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External stencil-type sticker in white.


Dimensions: 100x75mm (approx).


n.b. This stickers's version of the logo  does not have the rips/tears/anarchic distortion, due to the fact you would have had a nightmare applying it otherwise! Thank me later...

Exterior sticker (stencil)

SKU: Stk.stn
  • All stickers that leave here will be allocated a number on the bottom right corner on the reverse of the envelope. Why?

    Because all these numbers will correspond to a car. Therefore, you will know which car carried your stickers to the postbox! I mean sure, there are like vans, trucks, trains and planes that will handle them afterwards, but I never said it made sense, it's just fun.


    1 The SM (one day, somebody will be the first!)
    2 Saxo VTR (@twenty_years_with_a_saxo)
    3 Hilda
    4 TVR Chimaera
    5 A grubby Ford S-Max
    6 The C6
    7 Xantia Activa
    8 Vecki
    9 A BX of some description
    10 Wildcard - mystery car; Will be announced on various media channels at the time


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